Wednesday, March 25, 2020

State Restored - Rap Jam Vol. 1

Rap Jam Volume One

Released January 


Play as 10 well known Rap artists

Play in Five Major Cities(Chicago, L.A., Houston, N.Y., and Atlanta)

I got nothing

This game is a dumpster fire

Developed by Motown Games, and Mandingo Entertainment?
No Rap Jams at all
No actual representation of rap artists other than pixel images in selection screen
No player indicators
No game music while playing
No intro to controls
Can't distinguish characters on court. All clones
I could go on but I'll stop here.

Game Play

Hey gamer's. Mando here and this is State Restored. Today's load state: Rap Jam Vol. One. Time to hoop it up on these streets as generic as a pair of knock off Jordans. Press Y to load! Here. We. Go.


Rap Jam Volume 1 is (an attempt) a basketball game where you can pick from up to 10 different hip hop artists like Flava Flav, Queen Latifah, Coolio, Yo-Yo, and more. Game modes include tournament and exhibition. In tournament mode you play for a chance to win a whopping 500$ and a chance to appear in a rap video.

  I’m not really sure how to approach a review on this game because it's just so damn disrespectful. Let's start with the gaping hole left behind from the software developers. MANDINGO entertainment. It’s ok you can say it. Enunciate. MAN-DIN-GO entertainment. And I’m pretty sure Motown games might be associated with the music label of the same name. 

Even though it has the name of volume one there were never any sequels and I can’t tell you how happy I am about this. It’s like they tried to fit every 90’s urban stereotype into one cartridge. Just look at the box art. It doesn’t even represent the game itself! Every opportunity to have any of the hip hop artists on the cover and you choose graffiti and some clip art chalk sketched ballers to put on the cover? What the fuck man? Queen Latifah was literally a Motown artist!

The game-play is a joke here. You can choose some popular hip hop artists at the character selection screen or choose some rando generic characters like Lynda or Jason or MixG. I spelled that correctly by the way. This is pretty pointless though as none of the characters have stats so they are all the same. You would think that Flava Flav couldn’t dunk because of the weight of his clock or that Sticky Fingaz would have crazy aggression but no. In the spirit of other arcade style basketball games like NBA Jam you can foul with no punishment by pushing the other players on the court to get control of the ball. 

(The women of Rap Jam Vol 1. From left to right Keisha, Lynda, Yuka, and Maria. Why does Maria look like she smoked Mcdonald's?}

Every character can jump like fifty feet in the air and you goaltend like a motherfucker. I swear I was snatching the ball right out of the rim and the game was like “Cool go you!” There are zero player markers in this game so you better pay attention or you’ll get confused as to who you are. “Why do I have to pay attention, you ask?” Because every fucking character looks exactly the same! The only way you can tell who is on your team and who isn’t is by the colors you are wearing but that’s it! Again refer to the urban stereotype comment. 

Did I mention that there is no music in game? Except for the shitty menu music. Listen to this bullshit.
What is this Fisher Price my first funk piano? Once you get past the menu and character selection screen all there is, is the sound of ball dribbling, grunts, and the crowds' jeers and cheers.
You named a game Rap Jam and there is no Rap and no Jam. This is what happens when you spend all your money on licensing and nothing on content.

Calling foul on this game and deleting this save. 

What are your thoughts? Do you love this game? Do you hate my opinion? Do you wish Starter pullovers would make a comeback? Leave a comment at, hit me up on twitter @savedstateheros, or send an email  to

Hang with me next time as we press Y to load another state.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Level 2-1 Get your hardware outta my stream!

Show Notes

Topic History/Background
Cloud Gaming. What Is it?

The Players

Is game streaming the future?

Status of Stadia and Xcloud. 

Streaming or physical media?

Next gen consoles (Xbox Series X, PS5/PS5 Pro) have turned into gaming PC’s. 

Which platform will survive?

Do we “need” VR?


Anchor and where most podcasts can be heard
