Monday, September 21, 2020

Level 2-4 “Lock your doors and board your windows!”

Episode Introduction

If you think of horror games, titles like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Dead by Daylight, or Until Dawn come to mind. So what games laid the groundwork for these titles to thrive? Who are their fans and what makes gamers want to come back for that extra scare? 4 Itchy. Tasty. Press start for Level 2-4 (whisper) Lock Your Doors and Board Your Windows! 

Topic History/Background

First Horror game’s N

Horror Games: The First Chapter

3D Monster Maze N


Haunted House

Friday the 13th NES

Horror Games: The Revenge

Sweet Home N

Clock Tower

Alone In The dark

Resident Evil Series

Silent Hill Series

It Came From The indie Devs

Airdorf N

Puppet Combo

Horror Games: The New Nightmare

Carrion N

Until Dawn

Dead By Daylight


What makes a good horror game?

How do they gain cult followings?

Their fans?


Devolver Digital

Supermassive Games


Puppet Combo

Monday, June 15, 2020

Pressing Pause

Level Pressing Pause

Episode Introduction

Today we are going to take a second to hit that pause button. Save your game, put down the controller, turn the game off. It’s time to see and listen to what’s going on in the world. Normally we would be talking about happenings in the video game community but there is a more important matter that needs discussion. Police brutality and systemic  and systematic racism has plagued our country for centuries. With the murder of George Floyd by the police, people across the nation are finally seeing the bias that America has set in place for the black community and are joining forces to make change. We speak about current events today.

Intro Music

No Music

Topic History/Background

Systemic Racism

Racism resulting from the inherent biases and prejudices of the policies and practices of social and political organizations, groups, or institutions.

Systematic Racism

The Impoverishment of People of Color and Enrichment of White People Vested Group Interests Among White People Alienating Racist Relations Between White People and POC

Jim Crow Laws

Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation. Named after a black minstrel show character, the laws—which existed for about 100 years, from the post-Civil War era until 1968—were meant to marginalize African Americans by denying them the right to vote, hold jobs, get an education or other opportunities. Those who attempted to defy Jim Crow laws often faced arrest, fines, jail sentences, violence and death.


Our experiences - When were you affected?

Murder of Geroge Floyd

What does defunding/dismantling  the police mean?

Look at Camden New Jersey Dismantling Police Force in 2013

Peaceful protests and invoking MLK

Ignorance we have heard: 

Rioting isn’t going to fix anything. 

Just a bunch of criminals. 

All lives matter.

Black people are not accountable for their community.

Social Contracts

Police are overburdened

Where do we go from here?


List Of Ethnic Riots

Tulsa Massacre

Kerner Commission

Dr. kenneth Clark

Confessions Of Former Bastard Cop


Trevor Noah

John Oliver

With All Due Offense


Monday, May 11, 2020

Level 2-3 Where The F Is Half Life 3


Level 2-3 Where The F*** Is Half-  Life 3

Episode Introduction

  • The Half-Life series has been one of my favorites to this day. Well designed story on top of addictive and challenging gameplay and puzzles makes this one of the greatest titles to be made. Straighten your tie and grab your crowbar as we respectively ask the question “Where the f*** is Half-Life 3?”

Topic History/Background


HL1 DLC/add-ons


HL2: Episode 1

HL2: Episode 2

HL Alyx


Why the long gap in games?

Will HL focus on other characters in the series like they have in past DLC/Add-ons?

What does future tech mean for HL games?

Is HL Alyx HL3?


Valve Software

Why Valve never made HL3

IGN Interview With Gabe Newell



Monday, May 4, 2020

State Restored - Star Wars: The Fore Unleashed

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (video game) | Wookieepedia | Fandom

Released September 16th, 2008

Unique and mature story
Variety of force powers
DLC explored alternate timeline with canon
Force upgrade abilities
Multiple Endings (Darkside/Lightside)
Play as Vader!

Turns into hack'n slash
DLC was not available on all platforms
Physics engine varied from platform to platform
Not a very good force upgrade system
Starkillers grunts and moans

May the Fourth be with you! Mando here and this is State Restored. In today's load state we take a look back at Star Wars: The Force unleashed. Get your lightsaber ready as we hit lightspeed for this review.  Press Y to load. Here. we. Go.


Darth Vader's secret apprentice, known as Starkiller, is sent on a mission to hunt and kill the few remaining Jedi. But a cruel twist of fate, the manipulation of his master and the guidance of a Jedi leads him on a path that will forever change the galaxy. (Credit)

If you are going to make a Star Wars game it better be done right. As a fan of the film series I expect at least a nod or cameo of the characters I've come to love. Star Wars:TFU got at least this right. I haven't played a Star Wars game that was as immersive as this one. Star Wars:TFU sets you in the role of  Starkiller (AKA Galen Marek) Darth Vader's secret apprentice. After the bad ass opening where you get to play as Vader himself  you set out on your mission to destroy the remaining Jedi in the galaxy. Sith will be Sith though and you are betrayed, sending you on your true journey. Continue to walk the path of the Darkside or crossover to the Lightside.


Playing as a sith apprentice was fun to a point. Using abilities such as force lighting and saber throw really gave you the idea of what it was like to control a powerful Jedi. Also being able to upgrade these powers was a great touch. You could see how powerful Starkiller actually was as you unlocked new combos and force abilities (Force choke followed by saber throw was awesome). The problem here was...repetitiveness. The game simply becomes a typical hack 'n' slash even after gaining some of the cooler force abilities. They try to mix it up a bit and add some QTE's and finishers but it does get old after a while.

You do however visit some familiar places during your missions. Felucia, Coruscant, Cloud City, Kashyyyk (and in the Wii version you visit the Jedi temple as seen in episode 3) are all very well done. There is a lot of familiarity when you visit, mostly because you've seen the movies a time or two.


If you've played the game on different consoles the graphics will differ. I owned the Wii and Xbox 360 versions and you could easily tell a difference. There also was a negative impact on gameplay as such. The physics engine for the Wii made some stormtroopers fly around the screen like a ragdoll sometimes even glitching them. Other versions made using the force push and repulse seem flawless. 


The Wii version stood out amongst it's more powerful competitors with it's control scheme, giving the player more direct control of Starkiller and his abilities. Using the Wiimote as the lightsaber and the nunchuck to control force abilities really gave you those powers you really wanted as a kid.
Playing on the Xbox360 pushing buttons to control force powers was just as impressive, maybe more so. While you could control Starkillers force powers with the Wiimote using force lighting to start a tie fighter engine was pretty damn cool and only on the next gen consoles at the time could you do this. 


I never got to purchase any DLC for this game but there was a version released called The Ultimate Sith Edition, where you play as Starkiller if he joined the Darkside. The tagline for the this version was "What if the Darkside won?" Starkiller is the Emperor's Sith assassin and is dispatched on a few missions where we see such canon characters as Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Luke Skywalker himself. Each mission see's a victory for the Darkside crushing the rebel alliance. There's some kind of pleasure in punting a jawa into the side of  a sandcrawler. Good times. 

Although a bit outdated this game is still fun to play. If you want a good Star Wars game to experience this is definitely one of them. Even after having to listen to Starkiller sound like smugglers are packing his prison purse everytime he takes damage. 
Proxy. Press Y to load this save. 

What are your thoughts? Do you love this game? Do you hate my opinion? Do you wish Han would've used ANY OTHER measurement than parsecs? Leave a comment at, hit us up on twitter @savedstateheros, or send an email  to saved

Hang with me next time as we press Y to load another state.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Level 2-2 “We will send unto them...only you.”

Show Notes

Spoilers ahead! I repeat! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Warning! If you have not completed Doom Eternal
please finish the game and return here.
This episode will contain spoilers and reveal plot
elements that will ruin your gaming experience! 
Now with that said lets rip and tear into
this review of Doom Eternal!

We will send unto them...only you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

State Restored - Rap Jam Vol. 1

Rap Jam Volume One

Released January 


Play as 10 well known Rap artists

Play in Five Major Cities(Chicago, L.A., Houston, N.Y., and Atlanta)

I got nothing

This game is a dumpster fire

Developed by Motown Games, and Mandingo Entertainment?
No Rap Jams at all
No actual representation of rap artists other than pixel images in selection screen
No player indicators
No game music while playing
No intro to controls
Can't distinguish characters on court. All clones
I could go on but I'll stop here.

Game Play

Hey gamer's. Mando here and this is State Restored. Today's load state: Rap Jam Vol. One. Time to hoop it up on these streets as generic as a pair of knock off Jordans. Press Y to load! Here. We. Go.


Rap Jam Volume 1 is (an attempt) a basketball game where you can pick from up to 10 different hip hop artists like Flava Flav, Queen Latifah, Coolio, Yo-Yo, and more. Game modes include tournament and exhibition. In tournament mode you play for a chance to win a whopping 500$ and a chance to appear in a rap video.

  I’m not really sure how to approach a review on this game because it's just so damn disrespectful. Let's start with the gaping hole left behind from the software developers. MANDINGO entertainment. It’s ok you can say it. Enunciate. MAN-DIN-GO entertainment. And I’m pretty sure Motown games might be associated with the music label of the same name. 

Even though it has the name of volume one there were never any sequels and I can’t tell you how happy I am about this. It’s like they tried to fit every 90’s urban stereotype into one cartridge. Just look at the box art. It doesn’t even represent the game itself! Every opportunity to have any of the hip hop artists on the cover and you choose graffiti and some clip art chalk sketched ballers to put on the cover? What the fuck man? Queen Latifah was literally a Motown artist!

The game-play is a joke here. You can choose some popular hip hop artists at the character selection screen or choose some rando generic characters like Lynda or Jason or MixG. I spelled that correctly by the way. This is pretty pointless though as none of the characters have stats so they are all the same. You would think that Flava Flav couldn’t dunk because of the weight of his clock or that Sticky Fingaz would have crazy aggression but no. In the spirit of other arcade style basketball games like NBA Jam you can foul with no punishment by pushing the other players on the court to get control of the ball. 

(The women of Rap Jam Vol 1. From left to right Keisha, Lynda, Yuka, and Maria. Why does Maria look like she smoked Mcdonald's?}

Every character can jump like fifty feet in the air and you goaltend like a motherfucker. I swear I was snatching the ball right out of the rim and the game was like “Cool go you!” There are zero player markers in this game so you better pay attention or you’ll get confused as to who you are. “Why do I have to pay attention, you ask?” Because every fucking character looks exactly the same! The only way you can tell who is on your team and who isn’t is by the colors you are wearing but that’s it! Again refer to the urban stereotype comment. 

Did I mention that there is no music in game? Except for the shitty menu music. Listen to this bullshit.
What is this Fisher Price my first funk piano? Once you get past the menu and character selection screen all there is, is the sound of ball dribbling, grunts, and the crowds' jeers and cheers.
You named a game Rap Jam and there is no Rap and no Jam. This is what happens when you spend all your money on licensing and nothing on content.

Calling foul on this game and deleting this save. 

What are your thoughts? Do you love this game? Do you hate my opinion? Do you wish Starter pullovers would make a comeback? Leave a comment at, hit me up on twitter @savedstateheros, or send an email  to

Hang with me next time as we press Y to load another state.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Level 2-1 Get your hardware outta my stream!

Show Notes

Topic History/Background
Cloud Gaming. What Is it?

The Players

Is game streaming the future?

Status of Stadia and Xcloud. 

Streaming or physical media?

Next gen consoles (Xbox Series X, PS5/PS5 Pro) have turned into gaming PC’s. 

Which platform will survive?

Do we “need” VR?


Anchor and where most podcasts can be heard
